Tokio Hotel is a German group that is taking the world by storm and have done this via one of the world's hardest to crack markets - America! Not bad for four teenagers from Magdeburg in the former East Germany.
For a sample of one of their songs, click on one of the following links or copy and paste it into your browser.
German version
English version
So now, can you find out the following information about the group and write it in German:
What are the names of the four members?
How old are they?
Where do they come from?
What do each of them like doing?
Name another of their songs
What has been their biggest hit to date?
Send your answers to Mrs Tansey at
Tokio Hotel ist meine Lieblingsband! :)
Tokio Hotel is my favorite band! :)
Posted by: Nicole | July 11, 2009 at 10:27 PM